- Blade is the simple, yet powerful templating engine that is included with Laravel.
- Blade template files use the .blade.php file extension and are typically stored in the resources/views directory.
Displaying Data
- You may display data that is passed to your Blade views by wrapping the variable in curly braces. For example, given the following route:
Route::get(‘/’, function () {
return view(‘welcome’, [‘name’ => ‘Samantha’]);
- You may display the contents of the name variable like so:
- Hello, {{ $name }}.
Blade Directives
- Blade directives are short PHP snippets that are used to extend the functionality of Blade templates. They are prefixed with an ‘@’ symbol and can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as:
- Conditional logic: The @if and @else directives can be used to conditionally render output.
- Loops: The @foreach and @forelse directives can be used to loop through collections of data.
- Including other views: The @include directive can be used to include the contents of another view file.
- Rendering expressions: The @php and @endphp directives can be used to render PHP expressions.
- Blade provides simple directives for working with PHP’s loop structures.
@foreach ($users as $user)
<p>This is user {{ $user}}</p>
@forelse ($users as $user)
<li>{{ $user}}</li>
<p>No users</p> @endforelse
If Statements
- You may construct if statements using the @if, @elseif, @else, and @endif directives.
@if (count($records) === 1) I have one record!
@elseif (count($records) > 1) I have multiple records!
I don’t have any records!
If Statements(contd.)
- In addition to the conditional directives already discussed, the @isset and @empty directives may be used as convenient shortcuts for their respective PHP functions:
// $records is defined and is not null… @endisset
// $records is “empty”… @endempty
Switch Statements
- Switch statements can be constructed using the @switch, @case, @break, @default and @endswitch directives:
@switch($i) @case(1)
First case…
@case(2) Second case… @break
Default case… @endswitch
Now Some Practical of blade directives
- Step 1 – Make a Controller using Artisan
- php artisan make:controller UserController
- Step 2 – Make a route in web.php and don’t forget to include the UserController in web.php
- Route::get(‘/profile’, [UserController::class,’showProfile’]);
- Step 3, Now in UserController class let’s define the function showProfile()
public function showProfile()
$username = ‘Mr Stark’;
$isAdmin = true;
$items = [‘Item 1’, ‘Item 2’, ‘Item
return view(‘profile’,
compact(‘username’, ‘isAdmin’, ‘items’));
Step 4- define a view in resources/view folder ‘profile.blade.php’
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>User Profile</title>
<h1>Welcome to your profile, {{ $username }}</h1>
<p>You are an administrator.</p> @else
<p>You are not an administrator.</p> @endif
@foreach($items as $item)
<li>{{ $item }}</li> @endforeach
- <hr>
<h2>Additional Blade Directives:</h2>
{{– @unless directive –}}
- @unless($isAdmin)
- <p>You don’t have admin privileges.</p>
- @endunless
{{– @empty directive –}}
- @empty($additionalData)
- <p>Additional data is empty.</p>
- @endempty
{{– @for directive –}}
- <h3>Looping with for</h3>
- <ul>
- @for($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++)
- <li>Iteration {{ $i }}</li>
- @endfor
- </ul>
{{– @include directive –}}
- {{–<h3>Including Sub-Views:</h3>
- @include(‘partials.footer’)–}}
{{– Blade Comments –}}
- {{– This is a Blade comment –}}
- </html>
What file extension is typically used for Blade template files in Laravel?
- a) .php
- b) .blade.php
- c) .tpl
- d) .view
What file extension is typically used for Blade template files in Laravel?
- a) .php
- b) .blade.php
- c) .tpl
- d) .view
How can you display a variable named
$name in a Blade template?
- a) Hello, $name.
- b) Hello, {!! $name !!}.
- c) Hello, {{ $name }}.
- d) Hello, {{$name}}.
How can you display a variable named
$name in a Blade template?
- a) Hello, $name.
- b) Hello, {!! $name !!}.
- c) Hello, {{ $name }}.
- d) Hello, {{$naame}}.
Which symbol is used to prefix Blade directives in Laravel?
- a) #
- b) $
- c) !
- d) @
Which symbol is used to prefix Blade directives in Laravel?
- a) #
- b) $
- c) !
- d) @
How do you create a loop in a Blade template to iterate through an array called $users?
- a) @for ($user in $users)
- b) @foreach ($user as $users)
- c) @loop ($users as $user)
- d) @foreach ($users as $user)
How do you create a loop in a Blade template to iterate through an array called $users?
- a) @for ($user in $users)
- b) @foreach ($user as $users)
- c) @loop ($users as $user)
- d) @foreach ($users as $user)
Which Blade directive is used to check if a variable is set and not null?
- a) @isset
- b) @empty
- c) @ifset
- d) @nullcheck
Which Blade directive is used to check if a variable is set and not null?
- a) @isset
- b) @empty
- c) @ifset
- d) @nullcheck
Which Blade directive is used for executing a loop with a defined number of iterations?
- a) @while
- b) @loop
- c) @for
- d) @foreach
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